Employment Application Employment Application This application is not an employment contract, but merely is intended to evaluate suitability for employment. It is the policy of the company to provide equal employment to all qualified persons without discrimination on the basis of sex, race, color, religion, age, marital status, national origin, citizenship, disability, veteran status, or any other status protected under state and federal law. It is also the policy of the company to have the option of conducting per-employment screening before a job offer is made Personal Information Name * Last Single Line Text * first Single Line Text Middle Social Security # * Work Phone * Address * Address Line 2 City Alabama Alaska Arkansas Arizona California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming State/Province Zip/Postal Previous Work History List last four employers Date Name of Employer 1 Position Salary Reason for leaving Date Name of Employer 2 Position Address of Employer Salary Reason for leaving Date Name of Employer 3 Position Address of Employer Salary Reason for leaving Date Name of Employer 4 Position Address of Employer Salary Reason for leaving Education High School Attended * City, County, State * Did you earn a Diploma * Yes No Check only one Trade, College or Other School * City, County, State * Area of Study Degree/Certificate Employment Information Position Applied for * Date to begin working * Desired Salary Do you prefer * Full-Time Part-Time Can you work * Weekends Evenings Type of transportation do you have? Please answer all of the following questions Are you at lease 18 years of age and legelly elgiagle for workingin the United States? * Yes No Have you ever been convicted of a felony? * Yes No Are you on layoff and suject to recall? * Yes No Have you ever been discharged or asked to resign from a job? * Yes No Can you travel if a job requires it? * Yes No Have you ever work for Ward-Edison Cleaning before? * Yes No Do you know anyone currenlty working for Ward-Edison? * Yes No Job-Related Skills Please answer the following questions if the position you are applying for requires driving a motor vehicle: Do you have a valid driver's lincense? * Yes No Have you been convicted of or pled guildy to any traffic-related offense within the past five years? * Yes No Have you had your driver's license suspended or revoked or had your driving privileges modified by a court of law? * Yes No Please list all state from which you hold or have held a driver's license * References Provide three names not related whom you have known for at lease one year Name 1 Phone Number Name 2 Phone Number Name 3 Phone Number Attach Resume Uploading Files. Please Wait. Drop a file here or click to upload Choose File Maximum upload size: 3MB Submit